Meditation for "Emotionally Unbothered, Spiritually Connected"
Event Timing: Daily starting September 7, 2024, running consecutively through September 27, 2024
Event Location: Zoom
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Control your emotions. Don't let them control you. 
Welcome to Meditation for "Emotionally Unbothered, Spiritually Connected" 
Imagine a life where you are not led by emotions. One where you're in control and able to identify that you "Temporarily Feel This Way" and you can set that emotion aside giving you the opportunity to:
  • Make informed decisions.
  • Refrain from putting action to that temporary situation.
  • Recover quicker from being deeply hurt.
  • Not allow stress, insecurities and frustrations control your life.
This meditation will help you find peace and strength to endure the challenges of life.
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Please select the session you're available to attend. Please pay attention to the time zones.  *
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Fasting Options - ** FASTING is an additional Spiritual connection we utilize in our time we spend with GOD. The FAST is not a requirement to participate in the Devotional Series. **If you are on medications of any kind be sure to consult with your Physician regarding the type of FASTING option that's best for you. *
This meditation series requires a non-refundable $35 registration fee.  
Zelle is our preferred method of payment. Payment Collection Methods:
Note: You must go to your bank website to pay via Zelle. The email address provided for Zelle is not a direct link to Zelle. It is the email address you must use for Women of Triple P for payment once you log into your Zelle account.
If using PayPal, please select friends and family when submitting your payment.
Emotionally Unbothered Tee/Hoodie
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Forthcoming will be the recurring Zoom link. You will use the same link to join the devotional series every morning. Please email us at with any questions you may have.
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