Oppia Digital Marketing Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in helping with the Oppia Digital Marketing team! Please fill in this form to let us know more about your past experience with digital marketing activities, so that we can see whether this role would be a good fit for you.

Note: If you'd like to help out with Oppia in a different way, please check out our Volunteer page at https://www.oppiafoundation.org/volunteer. Thanks!
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Email *
Name *
What time zone are you in? *
Why would you like to join the Oppia Digital Marketing team? *
There are no correct answers -- we just want to understand a bit more about what your interests/motivations are, so that we can try to fulfill them!
In a paragraph or two, please tell us a bit about what Oppia's mission means to you, and why you are personally drawn to it. *
(We're assuming that, if you're not drawn to it, you wouldn't be applying for this position in the first place! Nevertheless, if that's the case, feel free to write "N/A" below.)
Please confirm the following: *
Note: Since we are a global, volunteer-run team, we ask that you also be responsive to emails, so that the team can communicate effectively with each other!
Which activities of the Digital Marketing team are you interested in participating in? *
Note: "Project managing" the content calendar means ensuring that all the necessary deadlines are met and the materials are present in advance. This refers more to the coordination of the process than the writing of specific posts.
Interested, and I have prior experience doing similar things
Interested, but would need guidance
Not interested
Crafting an overall social media strategy
"Project managing" the content calendar
Writing individual social media posts
Proofreading copy for social media posts
Creating assets for posts (graphics, videos, etc.)
Tracking and measuring the impact of different posts
Being responsible for a multi-week marketing campaign (from inception to delivery to analysis)
Developing Oppia's brand strategy
Developing Oppia's product marketing strategy
Public Relations
SEO - on and offpage
Influencer management
Please share 2-3 links to social media posts, news articles, writing samples, etc. that illustrate your previous experience with digital marketing. *
This is an important part of the application -- we would like to understand your previous experience and your affinity for this work, in order to see whether this position is a good fit. The wider the circulation, the better! Feel free to add any additional context that might be useful.

If applicable, please also describe what happened as an outcome of your work -- what action did it inspire others to take?

Note: If you're interested in helping with graphics/videos, please also share a link to your portfolio below.
Describe a successful marketing campaign you have worked on in the past. What were its objectives, its target audience, the strategies used, and its outcomes?
Note: It's fine if you haven't worked on marketing campaigns in the past! Feel free to just say so below.
Please tell us about any previous relevant nonprofit experience you have. *
For example, we'd love to hear about any previous nonprofits you've worked with (and in what capacity), and/or your experience with nonprofit strategy (e.g. in terms of marketing, fundraising, audience segmentation, etc.). Where relevant, please describe the impact of your work, or what change you successfully brought about. 

Note: It's fine if you don't have any! Feel free to just say so below.
(If applicable) Please describe any previous experience you have with brand work / brand building. *
How did you hear about us? *
(Optional) Anything else you'd like to tell us?
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