Fermented shark tank 🦈 
Are you on the hunt for a pitch opportunity during Iceland Innovation Week? 🎤

The fermented shark tank is a pitch opportunity open for all startups, coming from Iceland and abroad:
- Stage 1: 20 startups will be selected from the applications to pitch their company.
- Stage 2: Those startups will pitch at our Pitching stage during Day 1 of the festival program on the 14th May in the festival area.
- Stage 3: The top 5 startups will then pitch on Day 2 on the 15th May on our main stage and a winner will be crowned 🏆 

The gist of it is that you have to take a bite of hákarl 🦈 and a shot of Brennivín 🥃 (the Icelandic liquor) and then pitch your startup 🚀 repeating this every minute with a maximum of 3 minutes to pitch your company!

Who can apply?
- Startups based anywhere in the world, everyone is welcome
- Startups that are less than 5 years old
- Startups that have at least launched an MVP and their own website
- Startups that are an independent company (not a subsidiary)

If you dare, apply to participate below!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you up for the challenge?
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What startup do you want to pitch? *
Startup website (if there is one):
At what stage is your startup?
Contact email: *
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