Sign Up to Participate in CEAE Peer Mentoring - Mentees 2024-2025
The Peer Mentor Program (PMP) partners junior/senior students with incoming first-year students and continuing sophomore students to create relationships and enhance the experience of being an Architectural or Civil Engineering student. Mentors will share practical advice on classes, careers, life outside of school, internships, and more!

**How does the program work?**
1-2 mentors will be matched with a small group of mentees, who will work together to establish desired frequency of check-ins/meet ups. The CEAE department will host 1-2 events per semester to facilitate social connections for PMP students.

PLEASE NOTE: this year, we are trying something new! Section 2 of your responses below will be shared with the mentors anonymously, and you will be given similar responses from the mentors anonymously, in order for you to have a say in matching your mentoring group. August 28 Rebecca will send these to you, and you will have until August 30 to respond with your preferences, or else you will be matched as best as possible based on the signup form.

**Mentee Expectations**
Attend at least 1 event per semester.
Meet with mentor at least 1-2 times per semester.
Communicate respectfully with your assigned mentor

**What you get out of it**
Gain academic and career advice from a fellow CVEN/AREN student
Learn how someone previously in your shoes transitioned into academics and life at CU
Make meaningful connections with peers in the CEAE department
Reflect on and make deeper meaning of your own student experience
Opportunity to attend PMP events (includes food and activities)

Research consistently shows that interactions and support from peers is highly correlated to increased persistence of students in college. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity!

Questions? Email
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Student ID# *
First Name *
Last Name *
University Email *
Major *
What year will you be in Fall 2023? *
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