Commission Information.
Please fill this out to complete your commission request. When I have received your information, I will message you (on twitter or email, whichever you prefer) to work out payment (through PayPal) and timeline for completed commission. 

I do not draw robots/ mechs or explicit NSFW and/or gore. I'm not skilled at drawing anthropomorphic/furry, just as a heads up. 

I will only contact you through email to send WIP's and get feedback before I complete the commission. I will email you the completed file(s) once I have received your approval and my payment. 

This artwork is for personal use only, not for any type of commercial use or work.

I reserve the right to turn down a commission at my discretion. I will contact you either way.

Thank you again for commissioning me! 
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What type of drawing would you like to commission?  *
Twitter handle *
Name & email  *
Description of what you would like drawn for your commission *
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