The Graduate Research and Policy Expo 2021
The Graduate Research and Policy Expo on April 8th 2021 is an opportunity to learn about the role of science in the policy making process across institutions and all levels of government, as well as hear about the research graduate students are doing at institution across North Carolina. This year, the expo is going virtual. Between 1 and 5 pm we will be holding four events:

1 pm: Keynote address from Dr. Jeffrey Warren
2 pm: Lightning talks and Q&A, Session 1: Environment, Habitat Restoration, and Public Health
3 pm: Lightning talks and Q&A, Session 2: Education, Social Equity, and Supply Chain
4 pm: Policy maker panel with Rep. Deborah Ross, Kevin Guskiewicz, Nicole Stewart, and Dahlia Sokolov
5:30pm: Networking Happy Hour

We invite you to join us for one or more of the afternoon's events. Please indicate which events you plan to attend and include your name, institution, and email address.
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