New Writing South Bursary Place Application Form
Please complete this short form so that we can process your application for a bursary place in our Autumn Programme: We have bursaries available for:

Fresh Approaches to Poetry with Jen Calleja (6 weeks)
Writing Crime Fiction and Thrillers with Sanjida Kay

From Page to Screen and Stage with Suhayla El-Bushra
Short and Sweet: Mastering Short Stories with Wendy Erskine
Write Your Story Your Way with Salena Godden

All information is confidential and will only be used for our own records.  

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First Name *
Surname *
Email Address *
Postcode *
Telephone Number (Mobile Preferable) *
Please indicate below which course or masterclass you are applying for. (You can apply to multiple) *
Please tell us about your circumstances and why you are applying for this bursary place (100 words max) * *
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