Congregation Hakafa Religious School / Hebrew School / High School Registration 2024-25
Religious School, Hebrew School, and High School are offered FREE OF CHARGE to CURRENT MEMBERS of Congregation Hakafa. While a sustaining membership amount is set by the congregation each year, each member is asked to give in relation to their individual financial capabilities.  And, no one is denied a place in our community due to financial concerns.    

If you are not currently a Hakafa member and would like more information about Hakafa membership, visit our website at this link or contact our Administrator, Rona Elder ( or 847-242-0687).

Our Religious School Program takes place at the Takiff Center (999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe) on Sunday mornings from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We have worked to create an age-appropriate, experience-based Religious School program that will draw on students’ interests, talents, and learning styles in order to positively engage them in Jewish life.

HEBREW SCHOOL (Grades 3-7):
Our Hebrew School Program takes place at the Takiff Center (999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe) on Tuesday afternoons from 4:15 to 5:30 PM. Hakafa’s Hebrew curriculum focuses on language acquisition with emphasis on reading fluency, basic conversation, prayer mastery, and applications to Torah study and Jewish life.

          Click here for the 2024-2025 Religious School/Hebrew School Calendar.

Our High School Program is designed to help our 9th-12th graders gain knowledge and skills as community leaders while they grow into Jewish adulthood and become active, voting members of our congregation. Click here for a copy of our High School program details and calendar for the year.

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Please complete the form below to register your child/ren for our Religious School, Hebrew School, and/or High School programs for the 2024-25 school year. 

Family Name:
Hakafa Membership Status: *
Registration in Religious School/Hebrew School/High School is offered FREE OF CHARGE to current members of Congregation Hakafa. Please confirm below your 2024-25 Membership status.
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