OPEN Volunteer Interest

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with OPEN! Please take a moment to answer the following questions so we can learn more about you and how you can contribute to our mission.  

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First and Last Name *
Email *
We strive for an inclusive community in our overall membership, as well as on our board and committees. If you hold any specific identities you would like to share with the current Board Members,  please elaborate below (i.e., gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, abilities, religion, family structure, national origin, etc.).
Which volunteer opportunity are you most interested in? *
If "Other", what can you help with?! 
Tell us about yourself!  What are some of your prior board, committee, community, etc. leadership experiences? Please include the name(s) of the organization and your role(s).  What skills, connections, resources and expertise do you have to offer on behalf of OPEN?  *
Are you comfortable working in a collaborative, community-focused environment?  
What do you hope to gain from your volunteer experience with OPEN?  
 Do you have any other comments or questions?  
Signed Name *
Date *
Thank You!!! We appreciate your interest and time in submitting an application!
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