Liability Waiver
Please complete this form and e-sign the waiver prior to visiting the barn. Also please read our client handbook available on our website. Thanks.
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Email *
Responsible Party Name & Phone Number *
Rider Name and Age *
Rider Height and Weight *
How did you hear about us? *
Does the rider have any medical concerns that may affect their ability to ride? If so, please describe. *
Liability Waiver (3 part)
Initial below each part and then sign.
Please initial below acknowledging your agreement *
Captionless Image
Please initial below acknowledging your agreement *
Captionless Image
Please initial below acknowledging your agreement *
Captionless Image
I hereby agree that my online signature (typed name) shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as my hand-written signature. *
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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