Tools and Practices for More Restorative and Fun Online Meetings and Gatherings on 03/29/2021
Event registration form for a Healing by Choice! event on 03/29/2021, 5pm-6pm eastern.
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Marcia has been mentoring people to move their facilitation online in fun and restorative ways for 3.5 years. This will be an interactive and co-creative workshop.  Marcia will offer some simple practices as a part of the workshop and invite you to share what you have been learning through your own experience. Event is on 03/29/2021, 5pm-6pm eastern and reminders will be sent in advance via email.
Name (First and Last please) *
Your Preferred Pronoun(s) *
Email *
What brings you to this workshop? *
Do you have any access needs? Please note that we can make accommodations with at least 1 week advanced notice and will do our best if it is closer than 1 week. *
What are your learning styles? Choose all that apply, or add another medium or style of your preference. *
Please share your identities that are important to you?  (race, location, gender, etc.)
Thank you for registering and joining us for this event. Once this registration has been submitted, we invite you to join us in gift economy. This means that we are inviting you to gift us with the amount of money that fits within your budget and feels like it’s a gift back to us for what you are receiving. On the next page, we provide a link to our Healing by Choice! donation page. We look forward to building vision boards together with you.  Please share how much you would like to gift, and accept our gratitude! *
Anything else you would like for us to know about you or anything else you need?
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