Quake Champions Survey #1
This survey is about your opinion on the state of Quake Champions as of November 2017.
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About yourself *
Not at all
I am a veteran Quake player
I am a duel player
I am a team player
I am playing QC regularly
I have technical issues that prevent me from playing/enjoying QC as much as I'd like
I don't play QC because I don't like it
I play QL instead of QC
I no longer have time to play Quake
I make time to watch Quake tournaments
Duel *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
QC Duel is fun to play
Duel in QC is more accessible compared to QL
Duel in QC has more depth than in QL
Duel in QC is a worth successor of QL duel
QC Duel is fun to spectate
The format is good for spectators / esport
I like the 3 champions limit in a round
I'd rather have a timelimit mode
Rounds make blowout less frustrating, as they are short
Rounds promote interesting situations, with enough variation to keep things interesting
Sudden Death is a good way to extend a tie round
I like that the format includes champions picking
The format should include champion ban
Champions *
Answer these questions regardless of balance issues. Those are discussed below.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Champions are good addition to Quake
I like the lore / stories of the champions
Having different movement systems is a good idea
Having different stack caps is good
Having different hitbox sizes is good
Having different abilities is good
Champion should be differentiated by *
Tick any combination you think should be appropriate
Other Elements
Balance *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I'm happy with the current balance
Balance will never be found, the meta will keep fluctuating
There's a good balance between map control and clutch play
Map control should be more important than it currently is
Good positioning should be more important than it currently is
I like that major hp/armors are on a 30 sec respawn
I like that minor hp/armors are on a 15 sec respawn
I think it's too easy to re-stack your character
I like how double jumps / wall jumps affect close quarter fights
I like that some abilities can kill regardless of the stack
I like some champions are so fast and thin they can rush through choke points
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Sacrifice is fun to play
There should be no restriction in picking champions
Banning champions would help sacrifice
Sacrifice is fun to spectate
The room cameras (Quad, Obelisks) help following the action
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