Information for UNF Singers
Hello! We can't wait for you to join the Singing Osprey family, and students of all majors are welcome! There are three official choral ensembles, with one auditioned SATB choir. Please complete this short questionnaire so we can easily organize your information and listen via YouTube links. Returning singers, please enter your contact information only. This helps us to get everyone registered for the correct ensemble or to invite them to Chamber Singers callbacks. All ensembles will meet on the first day of classes, Monday, August 19th. Please attend the ensemble in which you are placed, and be prepared to attend callbacks at 2:30 pm if you are called. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Provide your N# *
Email Address
Phone Number i.e. (347) 245-5428 *
Current Major *
Anticipated Graduation Year *
Height *
Previous School/Choral Experience *
Job? Tell us where you work. *
Do you sing for a church or religious institution? If yes, which one? *
Preferred Ensemble(s) *
Why is it important to you to sing in a choral ensemble? *
Any extenuating circumstances for your ensemble needs? (explain here):
Preferred Choral Voice Part *
Please sing a simple song such as the National Anthem, then upload your recording to YouTube, keep unlisted and public, then paste the link in your response. Thank you! We will be in touch soon! Only music majors need to complete the following questions. *
Music majors/Chamber consideration only: Sing this passage on an [a] vowel, then repeat on another vowel of your choice, then upload to an unlisted available YouTube.
In the answer space, please insert the Youtube Link of you singing the second exercise.
Music Majors/Chamber Consideration Only: Short Excerpt from Messiah
Pleae insert a Youtube Link of your Messiah excerpt in the answer space.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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