g0v Rand0mTh0n 放輕松報名表單


g0v 揪松團舉辦了放輕松 (社群小聚活動),不設限內容,歡迎大家來參加!

How's it going? Want to find someone to chat with?
Or, maybe you're just looking for a place to do your own thing.
g0v Jothon organized a "g0v Rand0mThon" community meetup, with no set agenda. Everyone is welcome to join!



【g0v Rand0mTh11n 第拾壹次放輕松】
活動地點:NPO Hub 四樓廚房

活動時間:10/08 週二晚上 7:00 - 9:00 ( 6:30 就可以入場囉)

Event Location: NPO Hub, 4F Kitchen Lab
Address: 4F, No. 2, Section 3, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei  
Event Time: Tuesday, 10/08, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Entry starts at 6:30 PM)  
Collaborative Note: Link to notes
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什麼是放輕松 What is g0v Rand0mTh0n

g0v 放輕松是繼 g0v Summit 2024 之後由揪松團發起的定期線下聚會,目前暫定是每隔週二舉行一次。參與者可以在活動期間帶著自己的晚餐還有筆電,在這個地方做自己的事情,同時也提供公民們一個線下聚會與討論的空間。

前來放輕松的你可能會需要的東西 Things you might need when attending Rand0mTh0n 

📍 參與者人類本體 participant itself
📍 食物 food
📍 一顆願意交流,且願意遵守 g0v 宣言 並願意遵守 行為守則 Code of Conduct 的心 A heart that is willing to communicate, and is willing to abide by the g0v Manifesto and the Code of Conduct.
📍 用於做事的各種傢私 (學校作業也可以) Miscellaneous for your work (schoolwork is acceptable)

報名活動 *
暱稱 Nickname or alias *

Do you have anything special you'd like to share or discuss today? If not, that's perfectly fine too! Just relax and enjoy.
若想要由我們在活動前幾天,提醒您活動資訊,可以留下您的 email

If you would like us to remind you of event information a few days before the event, you can leave your email address.
我已詳讀並願意遵守 g0v Coc 行為守則:https://g0v.tw/coc/

g0v 社群參與者應共同致力於提供一個友善且無騷擾的環境給每一位參與者,無論其性別、性傾向、年紀、身心理狀態、外貌、族群、信仰、政治立場或技術偏好。



I have read and agree to abide by the g0v CoC Code of Conduct: https://g0v.tw/coc/
Participants in the g0v community should collectively strive to provide a friendly and harassment-free environment for all participants, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental condition, appearance, ethnicity, faith, political stance, or technical preferences.

The use of suggestive, violent, and discriminatory language and imagery in any community online or offline activity, including hackathons, seminars, lectures, workshops, gatherings, social media, chat rooms, and even in source code or various documents, is inappropriate.

If the code is violated, administrators or event hosts should and have the right to remove violators. Other participants may also actively stop harassing or inappropriate behavior. No participant is responsible for refunding or compensating any money, resources, etc. (such as registration fees, donations, etc.) that any removed person has invested. Speakers, sponsors, contributors, and hosts are also participants and are therefore subject to this code of conduct.

(若想取消通知,可以直接於 g0v Slack 私訊揪松團職工 @YI HUANG)

We will remind you when sending the event notification email so that you won't miss out on any of our relaxing time!
(If you wish to cancel the notification, you can directly message the hackathon organizing team staff @YI HUANG on g0v Slack.)
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