LJI Microscopy and Histology Core Facility
Please fill out this form and we will email you a quote you can use to set up a purchase order. If you don't know the answers don't worry and leave the fields blank, we will estimate the numbers for you. To minimize administrative burden and simplify invoicing the minimum value of a PO is $1000.
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Your first and last name *
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Are you working at a non-profit institution? *
PI name *
PI email *
Admin name *
Who should we contact about financial details?
Admin email *
Brief description of the project *
BSL status of your samples *
Number of samples
Please indicate the number of items or hours needed below
If you don't know the answer, leave the fields blank, we will estimate it based on the number of samples and the details of your project
This is the initial consultation where we go over the sample preparation, data acquisition, and image analysis to help you answer your biological questions. You will get some ideas and resources to help you start your project. Enter number of hours (typically 1-2h is enough).
Sample preparation and processing
Sample trimming and cassetting, sample freezing, and other preparations such as whole-mount (enter how many hours)
Sample decalcification
Bones and other hard tissues cannot be cut without this step. Skip this or enter the number of samples that will need to be decalcified.
Block with one HE slide
Our most popular service. Includes sample processing, embedding, cutting, and staining with HE. Enter the total number of slides you wish to stain. If you need to only make blocks answer the next question.
FFPE blocks
If you need to only make formalin-fixed paraffin embedded blocks, please let us know how many samples you will be processing.
FFPE blocks with one unstained slide
Sometimes you prefer to run the staining yourself. If that is the case, this is an option for you. Enter how many samples you need to get done.
Extra unstained slides
If you need extra slides for staining let us know how many additional slides you want to have.
Frozen sectioning
How many slides would you like to make it total? Multiply the number of samples by the number of sections for each sample.
Special stains I
Periodic Acid Schiff, Alcian Blue, PAS/AB, Masson's Trichrome, Picrosirius Red, Oil Red O, Saffranin O, Nissl, Prussian Blue. Enter the total number of slides you wish to stain.
Special stains II
Warthin Starry. Enter the total number of slides to be processed.
Immunofluorescence assays, special projects
We can run an assay for you. Antibody optimization takes about 4h, run of 30 slides for simple immunofluorescence about 8h. Projected time depends on the protocol, this is just an estimate. Enter how many hours you will need.
Assay development, assistance, and imaging. Hands-on instrument training. Data analysis.
Get help from our experienced team to plan your assay, document, and evaluate it. We can assist you in image acquisition, analysis, and reporting. You can also get hands-on training on our microscopes to work independently. You will be most successful if you will keep us in the loop with your results so we can continue advising you. Enter number of hours you would need.
Histology training
Learn from the experts how to do to histology in your own lab.
Keyence BZ-X800
Inverted automated epifluorescence microscope (up to 4 channels) with incubation chamber, optical sectioning, and image cytometry modules. 4D imaging of cells, wound-healing assays, cell migration, tiling, easy image quantification. Enter number of hours needed.
Slide scanner Zeiss Axio Z1
Whole slide brightfield and fluorescence widefield scanner (up to 6 channels). Enter the number of hours needed.
Confocal/MP Leica SP8
Confocal or multiphoton scanning of whole slides (including second harmonic generation for collagen), 3D imaging of organs, intravital imaging. Enter number of hours needed.
Zeiss LSM780
Point scanning confocal for spectral detection, high-resolution 3D imaging, tiling, FRET, and FRAP. Enter number of hours needed.
Zeiss LSM880 Airyscan Fast
Point scanning confocal for spectral detection, enhanced resolution 3D imaging, tiling, FRET, FRAP, with full incubation and focus stabilization for long-term time lapse experiments. Enter number of hours needed.
Widefield super-resolution microscope with TIRF, PALM, STORM, SRRF with two channels simultaneous imaging. Enter number of hours needed.
3i Marianas and Olympus FV10i
Widefield epifluorscent microscope with motorized stage, and easy to use point scanning confocal microscope. Enter number of hours needed.
Imaging workstations
High-end imaging workstations with color-calibrated monitors and a variety of image analysis software including Imaris, Image Pro Premier, ZEN, Slidebook, NIS Elements, Leica LASX, Fiji, CellProfiler, and QuPath. Enter number of hours needed.
Data storage
Would you like to store data on secure LJI servers? This service is free of charge for certain users.
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Data transfer
How would you like to access your data?
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Imaging supplies
We offer a range of imaging supplies including high quality coverslips, dishes, and imaging reagents such as antibodies and probes, as well as histology supplies. Let us know what you need and we will try to give you an estimate.
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