Youth Exchange - What’s my age again? 🌍🇧🇪
"What's My Age Again?" is a 14-day youth exchange organized in Belgium focusing on the theme of adulthood, from 2nd July 2024 to the 15th July 2024.

Through the art of theater, role-playing games, and discussions, you will be able to voice your opinions alongside 24 other international youths and truly contemplate what it means to be adults in 2024.

This youth exchange is funded by Europe. Your travel expenses will be reimbursed, and your meals and accommodation will be fully covered during the whole duration of the project.

To apply, you need to be between 16 and 25 years old and reside in Slovenia. No specific skills are required, except the ability to converse in English and demonstrate your motivation for the theme.

Your chance to take this opportunity!

Application deadline: 25th of April 2024
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E-mail *
First & last name
Birth date
Gender (male/female/other)
Full address including postal code and town
Why would you like to join in this project?

Among the young people we are sending to Belgium for this exchange, we are looking for a participant who could take on a leadership role. This role involves facilitating the coordination of the project between the Slovenian participants and the other leaders of the four other groups. Do you feel ready to take on this challenge? A negative response will not diminish your chances of candidacy in any way.

I understand that I need to attend a pre-departure training before attending this project.
I understand that I need to commit to take part in the whole duration of the project.
I understand that I need to have health insurance for the whole duration of the project. (European Health Insurance Card) *
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