Farm2Power Produce Box Sign Up
Farm2Power is raising money to purchase CSA boxes of fresh produce from South Central Farmer's Cooperative! Fill out the following form to sign up for a box. Priority given to people based in Los Angeles who identify as any of the following: Black trans women and non-binary folks, undocumented folks, formerly incarcerated folks, disabled folks, the elderly and BIPOC organizers/activists. However, we still encourage anyone in need of food in Los Angeles to apply!

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So what typically comes in a produce box?
Each month, our friends at South Central Farmers' Coop pick whatever produce they have in season. Below are some examples of what we've gotten in the past:
-Leafy greens (swiss chard, kale, lettuce, cabbage)
-Root vegetables (carrots, turnips, radishes, potatoes)
-Fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, mint)
-Celery, Cucumbers
-Tomatoes (plum, cherry)
-Fruit (melons, strawberries)
Example from our August pantry!
Name *
Pronouns (if you feel comfortable to share)
Email address for follow up *
Phone Number for follow up
Do you identify as any of the following? Although we hope to support all who apply, we aim to center groups that are particularly marginalized by the effects of capitalism, racism, ableism, transphobia, xenophobia and the prison industrial complex.
If you selected "prefer to self-identify/elaborate further" above, use the space below!
Would you like to pick up the box at one of our two locations (Compton or Koreatown) or have it delivered to you? *
If you answered "delivery" above, please share a location/address for a volunteer to drop off your produce box
Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter, using the email address previously provided?
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Any additional comments, questions, and/or concerns?
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