Getting Help from the Greater Tamarindo Food Bank
Our mission is to help as many people in our area. Please take a few minutes and let us know about your situation and how we can help. This will help us help you. Your answers are confidential.
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Let's start with you. What's your name?
Where are you currently located? (Choose one)
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What's your address? Include the name of your house.
Do you have a Whatsapp number? Type it below
Is there another way than Whatsapp to reach you? Please provide the details below.
What age group are you in?
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How many people live with you in the same house?
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Of these people living with you, how many are under 2 of age?
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Do you have any existing physical conditions that would make you more vulnerable to COVID-19? (Diabetes, lung issues, heart complications)
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Are you or anyone living with you currently employed?
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What's the name of the company you work(ed) for?
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