Yoga for All Scholarship

In Yoga, every being is part of one universal consciousness, which is reflected in the saying, "We are all one." 

But that truth is not reflected in our every day reality. Discrimination, (conscious and unconscious) based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, size, and class can make people feel unwelcome into wellness spaces.

Neighborhood Yoga is working on being a welcoming space to all and to reduce barriers for those traditionally underrepresented in wellness spaces in the West. One way is through our Yoga for All scholarship program, where we offer full and partial scholarships to make yoga more economically accessible. While we recognize financial assistance does not solve all accessibility issues, we know it is one factor and we will continue to learn and grow to address other barriers.

If you feel the intention of this scholarship resonates with you, we welcome you to apply for a scholarship by filling out this form.

Your answers will remain confidential (only management and owner of Neighborhood Yoga will have access), we may occasionally aggregate information to provide our community a snapshot of how we are progressing in creating a more inclusive and equitable space.

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Email *
Would you like a Humble Warrior membership (5 classes a month membership) or financial assistance with a special event/workshop? *
If for a special event or workshop, which one? Write N/A is not applicable.  *
Are you looking for a full or partial scholarship (please ask for what you need, and know we hope to serve as many people as possible).  *
If partial, how much can you comfortably pay? Write N/A if not applicable  *
In the interest of understanding our progress towards having greater representation, please share any underrepresented identities you feel comfortable divulging. *
Is there anything you would like us to know? Or any questions you have?
How did you hear about this fund? (choose as many as you like) *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Have you ever practiced in our space? *
Date of Application  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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