Compass Festival 2024 - Call Out for Producers
This form collects your email so that we are able to send you a confirmation of your expression of interest. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Would you like to be added to the Compass mailing list? *
Pronouns *
Please let us know so we can refer to you correctly when the Compass Team discuss you. 
What is your address?  *
Please put either your full address or just your city and postcode. This is just so we know where you're based. 
What is your mobile?  *
We will only call you if we need to. 
If possible, please give us a sense of your availability to work in 2024? *
Please post a link or upload your CV here.  *
Please post a link to your website if you have one.
Tell us about why you would be interested in working with Compass. (250 words max)  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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