To Students, Parents and Guardians of 7th grade students:
An accelerated STEM course offering will be made available to 8th grade students in the 2023-2024 school year. Two sections of Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) will be available to qualified eighth grade students for high school credit. The IED class offers students the opportunity to participate in forty weeks of technology for one period per day. The class will meet during the school day in lieu of student’s exploratory block. Students selected are required to participate in a performing music group or general music during their home base (Ex. Band, Orchestra, or Chorus). Students that successfully complete this course will fulfill the state requirement for one credit in fine art for high school graduation. Students are expected to continue in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering program in high school.
IED is designed to provide students with multiple project based experiences within the design process. Students will follow the high school IED curriculum and will have the opportunity to earn college credit from RIT based on their achievement in the class and on the PLTW IED final exam.
Students applying for the class need to meet or exceed the criteria below:
Application form inclusive of an essay
Math 7 grades of 85 or higher (Q1 and Q2)
Science 7 grades of 85 or higher (Q1 and Q2)
Engineering Basics 1 grades of 90 or higher (Q3 and Q4) (some students my have taken this as a Q1 and Q2 course with Mr. Connelly, please use those grades)
A team of teachers will review the responses of interested students. In the event that more than 48 students apply for the program, a lottery will be used to determine the students selected for the class.
You will need to complete the application form and writing prompt by March 3 2023 to be eligible for the class. It is suggested to write your paragraph in Word or Goggle Docs and copy and paste it in the form. Have a parent or family member check your application before you send it.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
Jennifer Gonyea
K-12 Science and Technology Supervisor