Registration form ICIAR 2024
Please fill out all of the information below to register for ICIAR 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Institution *
Telephone Number
City and Country
Are you a current ISIPAR member (make sure you have renewed your membership before answering)?
Are you a student?
In which of these categories would you like to register? 
Please indicate the registration fee (in dollars; $) that applies in your case (see the attached figure available on the conference website at the following link:
Will you be interested in ordering pre-paid lunch during the congress days? (Detailed information will be sent at a later stage.)
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Will you be attending the Gala Dinner? (Detailed information will be sent at a later stage.)
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Will you be interested in optional cultural events? (There will be organized city tour of Sofia, one-day trip to Rila Monastery and one-day trip to the city of Plovdiv. Detailed information will be sent at a later stage.)
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What is the total amount you owe and will pay via the PayPal link on the conference website? Please include conference registration, gala dinner (if applicable), any cultural events you chose (if applicable), and any lunch options you chose (if applicable).
Please return to the conference website (, click on the yellow "Buy Now" button on the Congress Registration page, and submit payment for the amount you listed in the previous question.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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