Covid Vaccination Information
Higher Education Commission (HEC) requires this information for Covid Vaccination as per the prescribed proforma. Please provide/update your complete detail. All fields are mandatory to be provided:
Email *
Name *
Department *
Campus *
Staff Status *
Staff Type *
Contact No. e.g.,  (0000-1234567) *
CNIC e.g., (42101-1234567-8) *
1st Dose:  Vaccination Date. eg.,  (mm,dd,yy) *
2nd Dose: Vaccination Date. eg.,  (mm,dd,yy)
Name of the Vaccination Centre *
Name of Vaccine e.g., (Sinovac, Sinpharm, Cansino, PakVac, AstraZenenica, Pfizer, etc.etc.)                              If you Know!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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