Distributor Questionnaire
Hey there!

I'm excited for you to consider the Pure Romance sales force!! 

Please fill ou this questionnaire and help me get to know more about YOU and simply WHY you want to be involved. Are you ready to help people, help yourself, and do something MORE with your life?

I can't wait to get to know you better!
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Cell Phone *
TikTok Handle, Instagram Handle (Both or Whatever you have) *
How many followers do you have on Instagram/ TikTok
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How do you prefer to be contacted? *
Are you currently working with or ever worked with a Pure Romance Consultant in the past? (Include her name if possible) *
What intrigues you about starting your own Pure Romance Business? *
What do you want right now (Check all that apply) *
Which start up option are you most interested in? *
This business provides you choices. How are you most interested in working your business? Select One *
Are you ready to commit to the training and time needed to get started? All this business takes is 1-2 hours a day to be successful. *
Where are you from? City/State *
Anything else you want me to know about you? *
I look forward to getting to know you better and work with you! Xoxo - Andrea
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