North Sea Convention 2025 Evalutaion
Thank you for participating this year in the NSC 2025. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organizing it!

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving. Please fill this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous).

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Email *
Please rate your overall  experience 
In which country do you reside?
Which fellowship are you a member of?
Have you been to the NSC before?
Are you a newcomer?
How did we get it right?

Name three things about this convention that you liked.
How can we do better?

Name three things about the convention that could be improved upon.
How did the Vayamundo hotel get it right or not?

How was the accomodation, staff, food...?
How satisfied were you with the online registration process? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Any other comments about the convention?
Which meetings and/or topics did you find most relevant? *
Not relevant
Very relevant
Did not attend
Free Topic
Big Book
How satisfied were you with the program content? *
Any additional comments regarding the sessions or overall program?
Are you already signed up to receive our newsletter? *
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