Fired Up Fit Club
Are you ready to completely transform you life from the inside out? Join my online fitness community and follow the same programs that I have used to regain my confidence, lose 70 pounds to date and have helped me get into the best shape of my life both mentally and physically....ALL FROM HOME!
You will get support with your health and fitness journey in a community of like minded women on similar journeys with similar goals in mind.....but I will help you get started with the best program for YOU based on your personal goals.

Fired Up Fit Club includes:
* 20-30 minute workouts and daily challenges to help you stay happy, healthy and balanced
* Focusing on moving your body and feeling energized in just 30 minutes a day
* Accountability
* Meal plans and nutrition
* Personal development resources
* Access to an online app to help you mindfully track your workouts, meals and water intake each day
* Results or your money back!

We start Oct 1st!!

Please fill out each question below so i can get to know you better and your personal fitness journey. All of your answers are kept between the two of us, so please feel safe to be as open and honest with your responses as you can, so I know how to best serve you.

xo Dani

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Email *
First and Last name *
First and Last name *
Email Address *
Instagram Name: example @danimillerfitness *
Location *
Current Fitness Level *
Have you ever done a home workout program before? *
Tell me about your nutrition is as much detail as possible (vegetarian, vegan, lactose/gluten free) *
Please describe what you are currently doing as far as exercise and the results you are getting. *
What are your fitness goals? *
Current struggles (check all that apply) *
Do you have any injuries I should be aware of? *
Do you have any workout equipment at home already? *
Are you currently or have you in the past worked with a Beachbody Coach? *
Are you ready to join us???!!! *
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