Emerson Attendance Form
This form is to be completed by parent/legal guardian only.

PLEASE NOTE: The district’s attendance policy states in part: Ten (10) total absences in a class during one semester are deemed excessive and may result in a loss of credit for that student. Instances of school business absence will not figure into the total number of absences. Instances of chronic and other doctor-verified illnesses will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will normally not be counted in the total absences; written and signed documentation must be submitted to the school in those instances. All other absences, including absences due to suspension, will be included in the total absence count which could lead to a student losing credit. In addition, Board Policy requires each school to report truancy to the appropriate authorities. State law requires all students to attend school from ages six (6) to eighteen (18). Parents of truant students may be brought into court and issued fines for truancy of their children through Wayne County.

Student Handbook - Emerson Middle School (livoniapublicschools.org)
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Email *
STUDENT First Name *
STUDENT Last Name *
Grade *
YOUR first and last name *
Acknowledgement *
Please check yes below to acknowledge the following statement: "By checking the signature box, I certify that I am the legal guardian of this child and all of the information provided to Livonia Public Schools School District is accurate"
Reason for Absence *
Please select the reason for your child's absence from the list below.  This data is required by county regulations.
Is the reason for absence due to a communicable disease? *
If not, select "No."  Otherwise, please select the disease your child has been diagnosed with.  This question is required to comply with county standards.
Date of Absence *
If absence is multiple dates, please select the first absence date.
Multiple Day Absence Ends
If absence is multiple dates, when will your student return to school?
Hours of Absence *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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