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What is Party Mode? Why do you keep saying it?

The "Party Mode" Intake by 22RPD – where we throw caution to the wind, filters out the window, and let your engine run wild and free, just as nature (or the automotive gods) intended. Picture this: an intake so raw, so untamed, it scoffs at the mere thought of air filtration and laughs in the face of safeties, all in the noble pursuit of substantial gains. But, dear thrill-seeker, let's not forget that with great power comes great responsibility. While embarking on this euphoric journey of unfiltered performance, remember that every party has its end, and not all engines enjoy the hangover. So, consider this your cool yet cautionary tale: embrace the exhilaration of "Party Mode," but be mindful of the morning after. Here's to living fast, but maintaining enough sense to ensure your ride can keep up with the pace. And let's remember, 22RPD is not responsible for the aftermath; you take full risk, stepping into the party with both eyes open to the wild ride ahead.

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 How many miles do you drive per week?
How many bolts connect the oil filter housing to the engine?
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What’s the most complex work you’ve done on your car?
Have you tuned your car? If so, by who?
Do you have a flashing cable (D+KCAN)?
Can you use a windows laptop and log your car?
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