Taft Charter High School - Magnet Campus Tour 2024 Sign-Up 
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Email *
Parent / Guardian #1 Name (Last, First) *
Parent / Guardian #1 Email Address (Tour date confirmation will be sent to this email address) *
Parent / Guardian #1 Contact Number *
Parent / Guardian #2 Name (Last, First)
Parent / Guardian #2 Email Address
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Student's Current Grade Level *
Student's Current School of Attendance *
Which best describes the current school of attendance? *
Please select one campus tour date.  (Tours start at 9:00AM and conclude around 10:30AM ) *
Please indicate the total number of people attending the campus tour. *
Which STEAM pathway are you interested in? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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