We value your privacy and offer this portal to submit a request regarding your personal information. This portal is offered only for personal information collected in connection with a brand owned and marketed by The Scotts Company LLC that links to or references this portal at
dsar.scottsmiraclegro.com. You do not have to create an account with us to submit a request. There is no charge to submit a request.
You may use this portal, subject to the Conditions of Use available at
scottsmiraclegro.com/terms-conditions, by completing the request form. We will use the information submitted for purposes of verifying your identity and fulfilling your request. Please do not submit, and we will not accept, sensitive information or passwords with your request. You can review our Privacy Notice at
If we can verify your request and identity, we will complete your requested action or contact you for additional processing time if we experience any difficulty with your request. If you do not want to submit this form online or are having trouble, you can write us at 14111 Scottslawn Road, Attn: Legal-Privacy Coordinator, Marysville, Ohio 43040, email us at
privacy@scotts.com, or call us at 888-270-3714.
We will confirm receipt of your request with further instructions. We will close a request if we do not receive a requested response, we do not have responsive information, and/or we are unable to verify your request or identity. Please contact us at
privacy@scotts.com referencing your verification code if you have questions regarding a submitted request.