GPTA Ugadi 2025 Cultural Programs - Registration Form
GPTA cordially invites you all to submit your program registrations for our Vishwavasu nama samvatsara Ugadi Utsavam 2025 cultural event on April 5th/Saturday (SkyView High School, Vancouver, WA)!

BEFORE you register, please note that:

  • Unique & novel programs are preferred.
  • Program/participants/duration MUST be figured prior to registration.
  • ALL programs require an audition.
  • Majority of the members in a group should be performing on stage, through the entire length of the performance.
  • Big group size does NOT equate to a longer performance time.
  • NO dance or singing videos accepted.
Please read ALL guidelines below, prior to submitting the registration form:

* Minimum age limit for performing at the event is 6 years.
* Minimum number of participants is determined based on their age, by the event date    (April 5th 2025).
  • 6-12 years - must have a minimum of 6 participants (A).
  • 13 years & above - must have a minimum of 5 participants (B).
  • A group is determined as (A) or (B) based on the ages of majority of the participants (Ex: if there are 4 participants between 6-12 & 2 participants 13 & above, they’re A. If there are 3 participants 13 & above and 1 participants between 6-12, they’re B).
  • Maximum time allowed for skits & short films is 8 minutes (no trophies for short film participants)
  • Maximum performance time allowed for other program types is 5 minutes for (A), 6 minutes for (B).
  • Maximum performance time is NOT based on number of participants in a program. It is determined by the participant age range, as described above and will be strictly enforced.
  • It is the program coordinator/choreographer’s responsibility to ensure that the minimum participant limit and maximum performance time limit is adhered to, when designing & developing the program.
  • In order to showcase a variety of programs, we strongly encourage choreographers/coordinators to come up with novel and unique program ideas and themes (Ex: Qawwali singing, Lambada dance, Hip Hop Dance, Tap Dance, Acapella singing, Fusion Dance, Burra Katha, Hari Katha, Band performance etc.)
  • Please note that GPTA can only accommodate a pre-determined number of each program type.
  • Please register unique & creative programs ASAP to reserve your spot. Once we reach the limit, we will not be able to accept any more registrations.
  • Due to a high number of program requests and our commitment to provide performing opportunities to a wider set of participants, we can only allow ONE performance per participant.
  • It is the program coordinator/choreographer’s responsibility to ensure their participants register in only one program.
  • A participant registered for group singing cannot register to perform in a dance, skit or any other type of program.
  • A participant registered for a classical dance cannot register to perform in a different type of dance (Ex: folk, fusion, movie-based etc..)
  • Please note that ONLY Telugu Badi program participants are allowed to perform in 2 programs (they will be given only one trophy).
  • GPTA needs to work within several constraints and might occasionally request you to make changes to the program duration, content, format, costume etc.
  • GPTA can only accommodate programs in Telugu language and hence recommends using only Telugu songs.
* Sanskrit is acceptable for Classical performances.
* Background music or musical scores (no lyrics) are also acceptable.
  • GPTA reserves all rights in formulating the final program sequence and strongly discourages slot requests from coordinators/choreographers or performers.
  • GPTA’s decision will be final and no explanations will be offered or opinions solicited regarding the final program sequence.
  • GPTA sincerely requests all choreographers/coordinators/performers to adhere to the time, age and number of performance limits specified, to prevent your program from being dropped.
Please fill in & submit the form below, to reserve a performance slot. 
Submission Deadline: Feb 21st 2025, by 9PM.

* Required
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Event Flyer:
Please enter Program title and it's specific genre (Ex: Ugadi Ullasam - Folk or Shivoham - Classical). *
Program Type / Category: *
Coordinator / Choreographer Name: *
Coordinator / Choreographer Email: *
Coordinator / Choreographer Phone: *
Total program duration (in minutes): *
Participant Group Type: *
Total number of participants: *
Participant 1 Full Name (Enter Participant's First and Last Name. Please make sure to spell correctly). *
Participant 1 Age : *
Participant 2 Full Name (Enter Participant's First and Last Name. Please make sure to spell correctly). *
Participant 2 Age:   *
Participant 3 Full Name (Enter Participant's First and Last Name. Please make sure to spell correctly): *
Participant 3 Age:   *
Participant 4 Full Name ( Enter Participant's First and Last Name. Please make sure to spell correctly):   *
Participant 4 Age:   *
Participant 5 Full Name (Enter Participant's First and Last Name. Please make sure to spell correctly): *
Participant 5 Age:   *
Participant 6 Full Name (Enter Participant's First and Last Name. Please make sure to spell correctly):    *
Participant 6 Age:   *
Additional Participants (if any) : Enter Additional Participants' First, Last names & Age. *
Audio Requirements: Enter any audio support needed for your program (Ex: Microphones, monitors etc). *
Lighting Requirements: Enter any lighting support needed for your program (Ex: turning stage lights on/off, turning spot light on/off etc) *
GPTA Volunteer Assistance: Enter any other assistance you may require before, after or during your program (Ex: setting up props, turning fog machine on/off etc) *
Other Comments (if any): Enter any other comments/concerns/info you may have, pertaining your program
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