Questions for Candidates Forum
The purpose of this survey is to collect questions to be posed to candidates at the October 16, 2023 Candidates Forum for candidates running for Glastonbury Town Council.  
Please feel free to supply as many or as few questions as you wish.  
There are no “required fields” in this survey.  
Please feel free to take this survey multiple times.  
Please supply Town Council-related questions.  In other words, please do not supply questions that are outside the scope of the Town Council.  

Please ask questions about what the candidate envisions for the future, as opposed to questions about what the outgoing Town Council may have done in the past.
Your survey responses will be kept anonymous.  
If you have any questions, please email them to  
Thank you!  
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Affordable housing, including senior housing
Artificial turf fields
Cannabis (marijuana) sales
Citizen engagement
Crime prevention, detection, etc.
DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion)
Environmental issues
Government transparency
The homeless, marginalized, and underrepresented 
Infrastructure and public services
Land preservation
The local economy, including business and job growth
Parks and recreation, including biking, hiking and walking trails
Preparedness for storms, disasters, epidemics, etc.
Property taxes and reevaluation
Public health
The remaining ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds
Senior services
Transportation, including traffic, parking, and public transportation
Waste management
Youth and parenting, including mental health, and drug and alcohol abuse
Zoning and development
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