SPRD B-Team vs Mixed Team, No BuLi (Hamburg, 27.05.2023)
On Saturday, May 27th we (St. Pauli Roller Derby / SPRD) host a bout at Hamburg (oriented towards WFTDA Standards, non-sanctioned). For that we are still in need of Officials! [Status May 15th]
You are an Official with less experience? Outside of Bundesliga this can be a possibility to exercise and exchange too. You are very welcome!

Application deadline:
for Head NSO: May 18th
for all other positions: May 18th

Schedule (please note that changes are still possible):
12:30 pm Workshop for Officials
02.30 pm Captains' Meeting
02:45 pm Officials' Meeting
04:00 SPRD B-Team vs. Mixed Team

For a more detailed schedule, venue and travel information, information on food/drinks, Corona regulations and more please check the Info Pack: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DvU7LfJ6UDQ-iqRAaEFwuziwoObT4Qde6j64LAX-RO0/edit?usp=sharing

Please let us know if you are in need of accommodation so we can try to organize some hosts. We'll pay for the cost of your journey to Hamburg (up to 20 Euros per Person). Please contact us.

Please feel free to check all of your preferred positions and let us know what experience you already have (if any). Please use the comment function (last question) to let us know everything else you want us to know.

We're looking forward to having you over in Hamburg!
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If none, please enter a name that we can identify you with (e.g. legal name).
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League (type "Independent" if you are not affiliated) *
Game History/Experience
Which position are you interested in (Skating Official)? *
Which position are you interested in (Non-Skating Official)? *
We are planning to offer a workshop for Officials.
Which workshop would you be interested in? (At this point in time it cannot be said whether they will take place one after the other or in parallel)
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Do you have anything to add or is there something we need to know?
Disclaimer and remarks
By submitting this I am attesting that I have read and understand the position(s) for which I am applying. I understand that if selected for a skating role I am required to wear helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards whenever I am on skates, including warm-up. I understand that although I may be assigned a particular role initially, these may be rotated during the course of the game. I have an active insurance regarding any accident that may happen on the way to and from and during the game.
With my application as Official for a St. Pauli Roller Derby (SPRD) event, I agree that SPRD may use my data in relation to said event. SPRD will ensure that the data will be kept confidental until deletion latest six months after the final event of this form. I understand that I have the option to opt out at any time by notifying the League (rollerderby@fcstpauli.com).
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