Percentage Changes
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Watch the video and answer the questions below. 
1) The price of a regular gallon of gas has gone up from $2.153 per gallon to $3.559 per gallon. What is the percentage of increase between the two prices? Round your answer to the hundredths place.  *
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2) The price of a plus gallon of gas has gone up from $2.851 per gallon to $3.999 per gallon. What is the percentage of increase between the two prices? Round your answer to the hundredths place.  *
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3) You buy a new F-150 for $56,998 and drive it for one week. You then sell it for $33,850. What is the percentage of decrease between the two prices? Round your answer to the hundredths place. *
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4) In 2019 you bought an ounce of gold for $1,218.76 per ounce. Today, it's worth $2,360.12 per ounce. What is the percentage of increase between the two prices? Round your answer to the hundredths place. Your answer should include a percentage sign and one word. The word should be increase or decrease (no caps).   *
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5) In 5th grade your sister was 4' 4" tall. In three years she grew to 5' 6" tall.  What is the percentage of increase between the two heights? *
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6) In January 2021, the price of silver was $28.52 per ounce. Today, the price is $28.18 per ounce. What is the percentage of change between the two prices? Round your answer to the hundredths place. Your answer should include a percentage sign and one word: increase or decrease (no caps).   *
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7) In 2015, John weighed 289 pounds. Today, John weighs 157.5 pounds. What is the percentage of change between the two weights? Round your answer to the hundredths place. Your answer should include a percentage sign and one word:  increase or decrease (no caps).   *
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8) What is the percentage of change between the number of Orioles wins (W) in 2018 and 2023?  Round your answer to the hundredths place. Your answer should include a percentage sign and one word:  increase or decrease (no caps).   *
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9) What is the percentage of change between the number of Orioles loses (L) in 2018 and 2023?  Round your answer to the hundredths place. Your answer should include a percentage sign and one word:  increase or decrease (no caps).   *
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10) When Mr. Renfro was younger, his father took him to many Orioles games. The tickets were $8.95. That same ticket today costs $32.75. What is the percentage of change of the ticket price? Round your answer to the hundredths place. Your answer should include a percentage sign and one word:  increase or decrease (no caps).  
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