RSVP to December 4, 2024 Webinar on Congressional Review Act Threats to Public Protections

The Coalition for Sensible Safeguards, the Center for Progressive Reform, and Public Citizen are hosting a webinar on December 4, 2024 to discuss the Congressional Review Act (CRA) and how it’s likely to be weaponized at the beginning of the next Congress and the second Trump administration.

The recent election results have put the CRA back in the spotlight, as president-elect Donald Trump and Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress will have the opportunity to take advantage of the law’s unique “lookback” provisions to rescind health, safety, climate, environmental, and financial rules issued late in the Biden administration.

The webinar will provide an introduction to the CRA, with a particular focus on how the lookback period works. Panelists will also address the controversies surrounding the CRA’s potential aggressive use in the next Congress and identify rules that may be targeted for rescission. We will have time for questions and answers with the expert panel at the end of the discussion.

The webinar will take place at 11 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, December 4.


Thomas McGarity, Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Chair in Administrative Law, University of Texas in Austin

Robert Weissman, Co-President, Public Citizen

James Goodwin, Policy Director, Center for Progressive Reform

Rachel Weintraub, Executive Director, Coalition for Sensible Safeguards 

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