SoLAR Special Interest Group (SIG) Establishing Form
Prior to completing this form, please be sure to review the SoLAR SIG guidelines available on our website at Should you have any questions about SIG establishment or this form, please contact the current SIG working group chair, Shibani Antonette at
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Email *
Proposed Name of SIG
SIG Organizational Structure
Who will be involved initially within the SIG?
The SIG Coordinator(s) is the person(s) that will be liaisons with SoLAR to provide updates on progress, etc.
Please define the organizational structure of the SIG:
SIG Coordinator(s) Details; Please provide Full name, Email Address, Affiliation, Country, SoLAR Membership Number:
List of the organizing committee members (Name, Affiliation, Country, Membership):
List of the initial Members (Name, Affiliation, Country, Membership):
SIG Activities & Details
Please tell us a bit more about the planned activities, outcomes, goals and SIG engagement that you plan for our community members.
What are the SIG Goals?
What is the rational for the establishment of this SIG?
What are the proposed SIG activities and outcomes?
What are the proposed SIG communication and dissemination activities?
SIG Financing
Will the SIG charge a fee to its members?
Clear selection
If YES, how much?
Describe other expected sources of financing:
Will the SIG require the financial support of SoLAR?
Clear selection
If YES, how much?
If financial support is requested from SoLAR, how will those funds be used?
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