Interim Report Questionnaire
Questionnaire for the evaluation of the first fifteen (15) months of the project implementation (between October 2019 and December 2020)
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Partner organization *
A. Project Outputs to Date
Please rate each of the following statements between 1 ("I strongly disagree") and 5 ("I strongly agree")
During the first 15 months the partnership has accomplished during the period the main activities in a good way to ensure the project expected results *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The project activities ran in line with the project timeline or with minor deviation with low impact for the project output *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The produced project results and outcomes are in accordance with the project objectives *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The project activities allowed the partners to harmonize their level of knowledge and confirm the common vision on the expected objectives and project deliverables. *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The planned project tasks up until the end of the project can be realised within the given time frame *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
All partners have contributed the required efforts to the project activities over the first 15 months *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
B. Project Management
Please rate each of the following statements between 1 ("I strongly disagree") and 5 ("I strongly agree")
The project management over the first 15 months has been effective *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The coordinator has provided the necessary support to achieve the project activities *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The time management of the project activities has been appropriate and achievable *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The financial management of the project has been effective *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The leaders of the intellectual outputs have provided good guidance and instruction for the related activities and tasks *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
C. Project Partnership
Please rate each of the following statements between 1 ("I strongly disagree") and 5 ("I strongly agree")
There has been a high level of accountability within the partnership over the first 15 months *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
Partners' responsiveness has been excellent *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
All partners have been committed to the project goals over the first 15 months *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
There has been a good level of cooperation between the partnership *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
D. Project Communication
Please rate each of the following statements between 1 ("I strongly disagree") and 5 ("I strongly agree")
The communication procedures within the partnership over the first 15 months have been effective *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
The project partners have maintained open communication and have shared information as appropriate *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
There have been clear rules concerning conflict management *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
There have been no critical project conflicts and issues *
I strongly disagree
I strongly agree
E. Impact and Dissemination
What has been the project's impact so far on your organisation, target groups and other relevant stakeholders?
If you involved other organisations, not formally participating in the project, please briefly describe their involvement.
To whom did you disseminate the project results so far? Please list 2 or 3 examples of relevant target audience
Do you have any additional suggestions or comments at this stage of the project?
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