GSA Membership Form
Welcome to the MCCC GSA!

The mission of the GSA is to provide a strong, supportive community on campus to increase awareness and acceptance, as well as to provide resources regarding LGBTQ issues and culture.

The club will attempt to provide a discussion forum about topics relevant to LGBTQ students and allies. The club will host events and activities to provide an outlet for current students, staff, and community.

The club aims to strengthen the links between the college and the local community with regards to LGBTQ issues. Our intent is to encourage support through positive exposure and increased visibility of LGBTQ Monroe County residents.
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Qualifications of Membership:
1. The club accepts any students (part-time or full-time), community members, faculty, alumni, and/or staff regardless of age, ability, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, nationality, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation or identity.

2. Members must attend a minimum of 2 meetings before being able to vote on club matters.

3. Members should review the MCCCGSA constitution for additional rules and regulation.
Terms and Conditions of Membership:
1. Hate crimes, hate speech, and bigotry in any form will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination of membership.

2. Members must be committed to maintaining the confidentiality of personal information revealed at GSA meetings or events. Any breach in confidentiality can result in dismissal from the group.

3. If it is found (through investigation by the executive committee) that a member has discredited the club, caused financial or other hardships, or tarnished the club's reputation on campus or in the community, their membership may be terminated.

4. Members may petition the executive committee for reinstatement through a written request.

5. The executive committee will make a determination and reply to the petitioner within one week of the request for reinstatement.
My complete name (please tell us the name you go by - this does not have to be your legal name): *
We share a list of all of our members with the college at the end of the year. If you have a different name you would like us to use in our membership list, please add it here:
What pronouns do you use? (please check all that apply)
Preferred method of contact:
Please enter your email. *
If you do not have an email or do not wish to receive email from GSA, type "NO EMAIL" below.
Please tell us your phone number (you may leave this blank):
Would you like to join the GSA's Facebook group chat where we share important club information, contests, and upcoming events? *
If you said "Yes" to the previous question, paste the link to your Facebook profile below so we may add you:
Would you like to receive emails about important club information, contests, and upcoming events? *
By providing my information, I hereby agree to the terms and conditions as presented in the MCCC GSA constitution and pledge to maintain the reputation of the club and confidentiality of its members. *
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