Your Business and Event Information.
In order to ensure that June is able to serve you in the best  possible way possible, we need collect some information about you, your business and the event.
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Email *
Contact Person *
Contact  Email *
Contact Phone Number *
Event Purpose. *
Event Date/s. *
What date would you like June to attend? *
Event Location. *
What type of speaking event is this: keynote, training, conference workshop, private wellness seminar, etc. *
How many attendees will be at the event? *
What would you like June to speak about?  *
What time would you like June to speak? Click below to convert your local time to London time. *
Would you like June to participate in any other event activities, such as meet & greet, panels, luncheons, etc.
If in person, is travel and lodging included for June? *
Will there be other vendors at this event? *
Will there be an opportunity to promote Yard of Greatness products and services? *
Are there any other special requests or needs? *
Whats Next?
Thank you for completing this form. Your requirements will be reviewed and the team will be in contact within 48 hours to set up a meeting to discuss your requirements. Thank you for allowing us to be of service. 

Warm Regards.

The Yard of Greatness Team.  

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