IGDA Crowdfunding Collection
Do you have a game related project on Indiegogo or Kickstarter? Feel it is a good fit to be added to the IGDA's Crowdfunding Collection?

This form is for IGDA members to submit their projects for consideration to be added to IGDA's Indiegogo or Kickstarter pages.

Indiegogo: http://www.indiegogo.com/partners/igda
Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/pages/igda

NOTE: Campaigns must be live in order to be added to the Crowdfunding Collection. If your campaign is still in draft mode, please wait until it is published before submitting this form.

All submissions are reviewed on a regular basis and a member of the IGDA Crowdfunding Collection volunteer team will contact those whose projects are accepted.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact crowdfunding@igda.org.

Thank you and best of luck on your campaign!
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Your Information
We need a few details about you.
Your first name *
Your last name *
Your email address *
Please double-check you've entered your email properly or we will not be able to get in touch to follow up with additional questions about your project if needed.
Your IGDA membership # *
The IGDA only highlights projects worked on by its members. If you are not an IGDA but someone from your team is, please provide their name and membership #. If you need assistance finding your membership #, please contact membershipsupport@igda.org.
Is your campaign on Indiegogo or Kickstarter? *
At this time, the IGDA can only curate Indiegogo and Kickstarter projects.
I understand that if my campaign is ending in 7 days or less, I may not be added to the IGDA Crowdfunding Collection before my campaign ends. *
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