Everywhere Computer IPVM Public Network Early Access
The Fission team is working on launching an initial early access public network focused on publishing and executing WebAssembly (Wasm) functions using the InterPlanetary Virtual Machine (IPVM) protocol.

We're looking for early users to participate in running nodes of our Homestar Rust implementation of IPVM, and we will be coordinating running a public network that everyone connects to and publishes functions to, while providing some compute.

If you're interested in joining the public network, please fill out this form so we can find out more about your use cases and interest.
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What's your name? *
What is your email address? *
What's the name of your company or project? *
Do you run any other nodes at home?
For example, you might run an IPFS node, a Bittorrent server, Ethereum or other blockchain node. If you've participated in beta networks like this before, let us know!

Note: Homestar can be used just in development mode: run it for testing locally and then publishing your function, so you don't have to be running it all the time.
Which of the following cloud platforms would you be most interested in running an instance of a Homestar node?
Assume well written how-tos or "one click" deploy experiences, depending on the platform.
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What's interesting to you about IPVM?
Check all that apply, add an other, or let us know more in the final question.
What problem(s) are you interested in tackling with IPVM decentralized compute? What do you hope to learn from running a Homestar node?
Feel free to add any other questions or comments for the Fission team. If you're interested in joining a W3C Community Group on these topics, please leave a note.
What is your Discord username?
Not required, but if you fill this out, we'll add you to the invite-only beta forum
Fission is building the Everywhere Computer
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