Youth Leadership Team Application
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Full Name *
Email (Youth) *
Phone Number (Youth)
Name (Parent)
Email (Parent)
Why do you want to be a member of the St. Paul’s Youth Leadership Team? *
Leadership Team is looking for members who are informed about the program and represent the youth we will be serving. Which parts of youth ministry have you been involved with or active in? What been your favorite event so far, and why? *
Youth ministry is always growing and evolving, and the leadership team helps come up with and implement new ideas, events, etc. What ideas do you have for the future of the program? *
Tell us about your spirituality, or how you are involved with your relationship to God. Be honest; this isn’t a trick question. We’re looking for leadership that represents all our youth. *
Please inform us of any past leadership experience you have. *
We really need youth who are willing to put their time and energy into this program. In addition to a meeting twice a month, can you commit to a retreat from August 2-3? *
Tell us about who you are outside of St. Paul’s. Is there anything about you that you want to share with us? *
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