Registration form
This form is for all children who attend any of the children's and youth groups at Swindon Evangelical Church.

Please complete a separate form for each child.

SUNDAY (During morning service)
Scramblers 0-3 year olds (Preschool)
Adventurers 3-7 year olds (Nursery to Y2)
Explorers 7-11 year olds (Y3 to Y6)
Ignite 11-14 year olds (Y7 to Y9)

Rooted 14-18 year olds (Y10 to Y13) 7.15-8.45pm

One Way Club 4-11 year olds (Reception to Y6) 6.00-7.00pm
Pathfinders 11-14 year olds (Y7 to Y9) 7.15-8.30pm

Please read our privacy notice about how your personal information will be used and stored:
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Child's Name *
Date of birth *
Parent/guardian's name *
Parent/guardian's phone number *
Parent/guardian's email address *
Are there any medical conditions we need to be aware of? *
Are there any allergies or dietary requirements we need to be aware of? *
Are there any learning or behavioural needs we need to be aware of? *
Are you happy for your mobile number to be added to a WhatsApp group?
(Only some groups have a parental WhatsApp group)
Please tick which groups your child will attend: *
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