6 Month Transformation
Ger Conroy Fitness will not share this information with anyone. Data is gathered for the purpose of the competition only.
Email *
I consent to share my data with Ger Conroy Fitness for the purpose of this competition.  *
First Name *
Surname *
Date of Birth  *
Phone number  *
Email *
Is this your first time starting a fitness journey, or do you have experience? *
If you have previous experience, please list what you have tried in the past to reach your fitness and nutrition goals and why you feel they have worked/not worked for you.  *
Do you have any injuries?  *
Are you currently on any medication? Please list any current prescribed or non-prescribed medication. *
Do you currently exercise? If yes, How many times per week? *
What kind of exercise do you do at the moment? *
How many times per week are you willing to commit to exercise in a gym? *
Which Ger Conroy Fitness locations can you attend? Select one or more. *
Why do you want to participate in this programme? *
What would a transformation like this mean to you? *
Places are strictly limited, why do you feel you should be selected to participate in this programme?
Would you be willing to document the entire 6 month transformation? 
(This answer will not impact your chances of being chosen for this programme)
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