Organize Your Building
Are you interested in forming a tenants union in your building? Please answer some basic questions about what's happening and we'll get back to you about next steps.
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Your name *
Your email *
What is your building called? *
What is your building's address? *
What is the name of your landlord and/or property management company? *
About how many units are in your building? *
About how many people are in your building? *
Please share a little about what problems or concerns you have in your building? *
How many of the other tenants in the building do you know? What's your relationship with them like? *
Do you think other tenants are also concerned about issues? Do you think their concerns are similar or different from yours? *
Have you talked to other people in your build about your concerns? If so, how many people? How did the conversations go? *
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