ICRC2023 Diversity Session Registration Form
Please join us for the Diversity Lunch Time Session at ICRC2023 on Friday, July 28th from 11:50-12:50 local time at the Toyoda Auditorium Symposion, located right next to the hall where the plenary session will take place. This event is open to everyone who supports diversity and inclusion in the astroparticle community at the ICRC2023.

Prior to the session, a free light lunch will be provided for all registered attendees. Please note that we can accommodate up to 200 people, and priority will be given to those who register earlier. To secure your spot, please complete the registration form below at your earliest convenience.

We will communicate important updates and information regarding the event using the email address provided in the registration form.

We look forward to seeing you at the Diversity Lunch Time Session at the ICRC2023!
                                                                                          The LOC of the ICRC2023
Your Full Name *
Your Email Address *
Name of Your Institute *
A light meal will be provided prior to the diversity session from 11:20 to 11:50. Do you have any dietary restrictions such as requiring a vegetarian/vegan meal or any food allergies that we should be aware of? We regret that we may not be able to accommodate other dietary restrictions.
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Please specify the specific foods you need to avoid.
If you have any questions or comments about the event, please let us know
We will soon be circulating a survey on diversity in astroparticle community, and we kindly request your participation by filling it out!
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