Outreach and Education Technical Committee Project Suggestions
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council's Outreach and Education Technical Committee is comprised of communications personnel from each Gulf States' marine resource department, Sea Grant agents from across the region, federal communications staff, and members of the fishing industry. The Committee advises the Council on how to best achieve its communications goals.

The Council would like your input on how we're doing and what the Outreach and Education Technical Committee should work on next. Thank you for providing your guidance by completing the survey below.

Contact emily.muehlstein@gulfcouncil.org with questions.
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The goals of the Outreach and Educational Technical Committee are to: Improve awareness and understanding of the Gulf Council management goals, strategies, activities and processes; improve public participation in the fishery management process; and improve communications between the public and the Council.
Let us know how we're doing to accomplish each goal and suggest what we can do to further improve each effort.
Rate how the O&E Technical Committee is "improving awareness and understanding of the Gulf Council management goals, strategies, activities and process."
Needs Improvement
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Rate how the O&E Technical Committee is "improving public participation in the fishery management process."
Needs Improvement
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Rate how the O&E Technical Committee is "improving communications between the public and the Council."
Needs Improvement
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How can the Committee improve current communications to accomplish the above goals?
Are there any specific Council communications efforts that work particularly well to accomplish the goals above?
What specific Council related topics or issues should the Outreach and Education Technical Committee work on to better communicate to the public?
Can you suggest any new communication goals that the Outreach and Education Technical Committee should work towards on behalf of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council?
Thank you for taking the time to suggest how the Outreach and Education Technical Committee can focus its efforts in the future.

You must click the SUBMIT button below to complete.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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