Want to be a champion for BioGeoSCAPES?
Over the next four years, the BioGeoSCAPES Accelnet will host virtual and in-person activities to prioritize and plan foundational components of a collaborative international BioGeoSCAPES initiative, including Modeling & Data Integration, Standardization & Intercalibration, and Informatics & Data Management. These activities may include webinar series, topical workshops, and smaller group planning meetings. We are seeking YOUR collaboration and leadership to help plan these activities. The Accelnet will also include numerous education/capacity building & professional development activities. These activities will launch soon, so sign up now to participate! 
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I would like to help lead and coordinate Modeling & Data Integration efforts.
I would like to help lead and coordinate Standardization & Intercalibration efforts.
I would like to help lead and coordinate Informatics & Data Management efforts.
I would like to contribute to education/capacity building efforts (summer schools, fellows program, online professional development workshops, etc.).
Are there other ways you'd like to help champion BioGeoSCAPES at the national and/or international levels?
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