RPS Summer 2021 Student Needs
This form will be used to identify needs that groups of students may have at the close of this school year, and will be used by a summer planning team to design the most impactful opportunities.  

***PLEASE USE THIS FORM ONCE FOR EACH NEED.*** For example, a need might be that 9th graders missed out on the normal transition to their high school and are missing a personal link to the school's culture (the same could be said for 6th graders). Or, that some students may feel anxiety over returning to large groups. Or that English Learners might have missed time around spoken English to build vocabulary. Or, that hands-on science experiments typically done at school may be missing from students' experience. Please submit the form as many times as you have needs to submit.
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Please describe ONE specific need our students will have at the end of the 2020-2021 school year, because they experienced a significant learning interruption due to the pandemic. *
Which TYPE below best matches the need you described above? (If you feel more than one applies, choose the one most critical to student success in school.) *
Which AGE(S) are affected by the need you described above? *
Which of these FACTOR(S) directly impact the need you described above? *
OPTIONAL: Please tell us the lens(es) through which you completed this form (mark all that apply).
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