Jesture AI SDK Early Adopter Form
Hi Friend!
Thank you so much for your interest in Jesture AI SDK.

We are looking for teams eager to use the new technology in their creative applications and games.

We will use all our expertise to help you solve your problems with Jesture AI SDK's tools. We will also be in regular communication and seek your feedback and feature requests to make the product even better.

Please share as much information as possible below, and if there is a good fit, we will do our best to contact you quickly.

Thank you!
Email *
Your Name *
Your Company Name *
Your Company Website *
How big is your team?
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What game engine do you plan to use Jesture AI SDK with?
What platform are you interested in? *
Please describe the project you'd like to use Jesture AI SDK on *
Is this a commercial project? *
What are the biggest questions you have in regards to Jesture AI SDK?
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